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Idioms of the week

1. Go the extra mile To try harder to please someone or to get the task done correctly; to do more than one is required to do to reach a goal. I like doing business with that company. They always go the extra mile. My teacher goes the extra mile...

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False Friends

France England U19 20150331 45
False cognates, commonly referred to as false friends, are words in two languages that look or sound very similar but actually have different meanings. These false friends can play havoc on international students when they are trying to learn new words...

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Apprendre l'anglais en cuisinant

Nous avons tous conscience de l’importance et de l’intérêt de l’anglais dans le monde du travail aujourd’hui. C’est pourquoi il est fréquent d’entendre dire certaines personnes souhaiter commencer à apprendre l’anglais, ou bien se perfectionner....

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