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ABC School - Blog

ABC Logo friendly learning 2016

Are you looking to gain some work experience in London?

Doing a work placement looks great on your CV, is a great way to impress future employers and also gives you valuable experience of the working world. ABC School of English is looking for a Chinese (Mandarin) speaker to join our marketing and admin team as in intern. For full information please send us an email to info@abcschool.co.uk - join our team now!


出社會之前能夠擁有一段實習經歷,除了能夠讓自己提前了解企業,學習職場技能,最直接的影響就是幫自己的履歷加分。 想親身體驗倫敦職場實況?立即將履歷發送至info@abcschool.co.uk - 現在就加入我們的團隊!